艺人:Persona 5 OST
专辑:tabbed by alex_72886
作词:Shoji Meguro
作曲:Shoji Meguro
It's now or it's ne ver and i've got to make my de ci sion This time it could be my mo ment Is this a mi rage or a chance to ful fill my mis sion A ri ver in a dry land The last ace in a lost hand A heart beat for a tin man O a sis in a singed land I'm kee ping the ba lance but I'm stan ding on ra zor's edge now Move quick or my life is o ver One strike just a feint then I'm out of his field of vi sion Don't ask why I'm rea dy but I'm rea dy to strike him down now A chance at a new start There's no time for in de ci sion A ri ver in a dry land The last ace in a lost hand When the hope of new be gin nings burned our feet Now we need it: A heart beat for a tin man An o a sis in a singed land Re mind us what we're here for: Cre a ting new life Cre a ting ri vers in the de sert My heart is a fur nace Hot as hell in my world of con flict One goal is what keeps me go ing Take back what I lost to The bos ses of greed and fear, yeah Don't ask why I'm rea dy but I'm rea dy to take them down now The time for a new start is con stant ly dra wing nea rer A ri ver in a dry land The last ace in a lost hand When the hope of new be gin nings burned our feet Now we need it: A heart beat for a tin man An o a sis in a singed land Re mind us what we're here for: Cre a ting new life Cre a ting ri vers in the de sert When a cool drop of wa ter's all I need Got ta clear my head of an ge ~r and greed A place to re fresh heart and mind Can I find Some time in Ri vers in a dry land The last ace in a lost hand When the hope of new be gin nings burned our feet Now we need it: A heart beat for a tin man An o a sis in a singed land Re mind us what we're here for: Cre a ting new life Cre a ting ri vers in the de sert