艺人:Lemon Demon
专辑:Hip to the Javabean
作词:Neil Cicierega
作曲:Neil Cicierega
In an air-plane, I was fly-ing. Just a flight at-ten-dant guy. I can be clum-sy, and I stum-bled Out the door in-to the sky. Now I am fall-ing through the air. Wind and re-gret flow through my hair. All I can do right now is stare down at the o-cean. Sud-den-ly, [...] This-is bo-ring. Yes I抦 fall-ing, But it抯 ta-king quite a while. My des-ti-na-tion is im-pen-ding. Might as well go out in style. I put my arms out to the skies, Whist-le a tune and close my eyes, Try-ing to brief-ly re-a-lize per-pe-tu-al mo-tion. Sud-den-ly, giant tentacles rise from the open sea, And with total precision they lasso me. It抯 a monstrous squid and he saved my life, But I am too freaked out to be nice. So I tell him the truth, that I抎 rather fall. No offense but at least it抯 predictable. Gotta stop stalling, I抳e got some falling to do. I抦 probably gonna die, but it抯 something new. I guess it all depends on your point of view. It抯 true.