Introduction, Theme and Variations on a theme by Mozart, Op. 9
标题:Introduction, Theme and Variations
副标题:on a theme by Mozart, Op. 9
标签: 古典吉他 , 独奏
五线谱来自 Royal Harmonic Institution
INTRODUCTION Andante LargoINTRODUCTION Andante Largodolcesim.sim.sim.THEME Andante ModeratoVAR. IVAR. II MenorVAR. III Più mossoVAR. IV Più mossoVAR. V
艺人:Fernando Sor (1778-1839)
Introduction, Theme and Variations on a theme by Mozart, Op. 2023-6-27 11:21上传
62.55 KB , 下载次数: 32
Introduction, Theme and Variations on a theme by Mozart, Op. 9.gpx 2023-6-27 16:21上传
202.34 KB , 下载次数: 393
Fernando Sor + 关注
帖子: 918 关注: 2