艺人:Mötley Crüe
专辑:(1983) Shout at The Devil
Now lis- ten up She's a ra-zor sharp If she don't get her way She 'll slice you a-pa-art Now she's a cool, cool bla-ack Mo-ves like a cat If you don't get her game Well you might not make it ba-ck!!!! She's got the looks tha-at ki-ill!!!! Tha-at kiii-iii- ill She's got the looks tha-at ki-ill Tha-at kiii-iii- ill She's got the looks... Now she's buuu-ul-let-proof She keeps her mo-tor cleee-eean... And be- lie-ve me, yo-ou... She's a num-ber thir-tee-een The chu-rch stri-kes mid-ni-ght She's loo-kin' lou-der and lo-ou- dee-er She's gon-na turn on your ju- ice, bo-oy So she-eee... turns on the po-wee-eer She's got the looks tha-at ki-ll Tha-at kiii-iii- ill She's got the looks tha-at ki-ll Tha-at kiii-iii- ill She's got the looks... AAAARGH!!!!! Now lis- ten up She's a ra-zor sharp If she don't get her way She 'll slice you a-pa-art Now she's a cool, cool bla-ack Mo-ves like a cat If you don't get her game You might not make it ba-ck!!!! She's got the looks tha-at ki-ill!!!! Tha-at kiii-iii- ill She's got the looks tha-at ki-ill Tha-at kiii-iii- ill She's got the looks... She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! HEY!!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!! She's....!! Got....!! The looks that kill!!!!