艺人:Relient K
专辑:Forget And Not Slow Down
作词:Matthew Thiessen
I ne ver thought I'd be dri ving through the coun try just to drive with on ly mu sic and the clothes that I woke up in. I ne ver thought I'd need all this time a lone it goes to show I had so much yet I had need for no thing but you. For you. This is just the ra py. Let's call it what it is with a death grip on this life al ways tran si tio ning. And this is my the ra py. Cause you won't take my calls and that makes God the on ly one who's left here li sten ing to me. I'm let ting it all sink in. It's good to feel a sting now and a again. I hope it's one less woe ful thing there is to fight through. For get ting it all be gin. Fresh pa per and a nice ex pen sive pen. The past can not sub stract a thing from what I might do for you. Un less that's what I let it do. And this is just the ra py. Let's call it what it is with a death grip on this life al ways tran si tio ning. Yeah, this is just the ra py. Cause you won't take my calls and theat makes God the on ly one who's left here li ste ning. Lone li ness and so li tude are two things not to get con fused, cause I spend my so li tude with you. I ga ther all the ques tions of the things I just can't get straight, and I an swer them the way I guess you'd do. Cause this is just the ra py. Cause you're the on ly one who's li ste ning to me. This is my the ra py. Let's call it what it is not what we were with a death grip on this life that's in tran si tion, this is my the ra py. Cause you won't hear me out and that makes God the on ly one who's left here li ste ning. And this is my the ra py. Cause you won't hear me out and that makes God the on ly one who's left here li ste ning to me.