
【爵士課堂】即興:AW - Playing Outside the Chord Changes


类型: 教学


标签: 即兴 爵士课堂 爵士課堂 吉他 即興 jazz Lessons Guitar Improv aw

专辑: 【爵士课堂】吉他.2.2:Andrew Wasson II - 風格.練耳.練琴.作曲.即興.指彈.維修


IMPROVISATION Playing Outside the Chord Changes教材:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=448200&uk=2383021194Uploaded on May 27, 2011http://www.creativeguitarstudio.com/Search Andrew Wasson.com for FREE lesson Handouts.This Video: May 27, 2011 | Search Videos by Title/Date.Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question...Q: I'm practicing the idea of playing outside lines but I'm not too certain about a few things. Such as, what the approach should be focused upon. I'm not sure if the approach should be chromatic, or if I should try and target specific 5th's or 9th's that make up the altered tones on the chords. I really enjoy the sounds of John McLaughlin and Miles Davis and I hope that I can eventually create lines like that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.- Avner, Manchester, UK.A: Playing outside can definitely be accomplished through careful work with the chromatic scale, or you could approach it in a more sophisticated way by using different minor or major passing tones, as well as, altered tones. It all takes time to inject this into your playing so my suggestion is to work on one idea per week, creating lines with each idea while working on one jam track so you can notice how you either like or dislike various sounds. We'll begin with a Minor Jazz Blues and go through a few ideas that you can start working with to get you started with playing outside.