
THIS. IS. SHOUT. BASS. (with the godfather of Gospel)


类型: 其他


标签: scott devine bass lessons bass guitar soloing funk 翻弹 groove jazz slap tuition masterclass beginner beginners clinic


► Start your FREE 14 day trial here: https://bit.ly/2OZGqSk ► Grab Your FREE Ultimate Bass Players Toolkit here: https://bit.ly/2tVzlwy === Follow me! ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScottsBassLessons/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scottsbasslessons ► SBL iTunes Podcast: http://apple.co/1O6P2oZ ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/scottdevinebass === A few months back we were lucky enough to have the Godfather of Gospel, Andrew Gouche come into the studio with us in NYC and film an entire course focusing on R&B and Gospel bass... One of the topics covered within the course are 'shout' style bass lines... and this is why this video is a little different. I wanna share one of the exclusive performances from Andrew's course... Why? Because it's one of the coolest... hippest... and craziest bass performances I've ever seen... In fact, you'll see me in the video sitting right next to Andrew whilst he's tearing it up (for the most part I'm just giggling like a kid, because I can't believe what's going on, lol). If you wanna check out someone playing some world-class shout bass lines like no one else in the world can do... then this video is for you! As always, see you in the shed... Scott 🙂 PS. If you wanna check out Andrew's full course so you can get the full scoop... go here: https://bit.ly/2OZGqSk === Right now over 10,000 bass players are enrolled in the Academy here at Scott's Bass Lessons and are making a real difference to their playing... if you're really serious about getting your bass playing together, click here to find out more and grab your 14 day free trial: https://bit.ly/2OZGqSk