
专辑: 【爵士練習】伴奏音軌.3 - Randy Martin, Quist


类型: 教学

播放: 3192

标签: 爵士 爵士练习 伴奏音轨


Drum&Bass Only 的BT適合鋼琴手/吉他手練習Comping或solo子雍。Bass-Removed的BT適合貝斯手練習之用。---Free for "not for profit" use Quality Backing Tracks, Jazz guitar lessons, improvs & more! Using my over 30 years of playing guitar and working at using what I've learned about music theory etc. to try to play/make music that I dig and think/hope sounds good.All of my Backing Tracks/videos on youtube are Free for "not for profit" use. Free to use, but not to make money from, or not to promote or advertise a money making business, product or website with. I reserve all rights to the content of my videos.Sorry, but I can't make Backing Tracks by request for free, or make changes to my existing BT's to suit individual wants/needs for free.Randy Martin3/17/2015 Qu伴奏音軌(Quist)從母輯(伴奏音軌.3)移到本專輯。