
【爵士課堂】吉他樂理:AW - Ultra-Modern Blues Lines

haavbline haavbline

类型: 教学


标签: 吉他乐理 爵士课堂 爵士課堂 吉他樂理 jazz Guitar Lessons aw

专辑: 【吉他課堂】Blues.RnB.Soul.Funk


GUITAR THEORY Ultra-Modern Blues Lines教材下載:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1762644727&uk=2383021194Published on Oct 12, 2012Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question...Q: I really like how some of the ultra-modern blues players add weird, or I guess you might even call them, 'wrong,' notes into their lines. Scott Henderson comes to mind along with Robben Ford. Is there a scale that these players use to get this sound? Overall, my question is, "how can I get this kind of ultra-modern blues sound into my own guitar playing?"Sascha -- GermanyA: I think the primary scale you're looking for is the Diminished scale. And, when guys like Scott Henderson or Robben Ford go for nailing their unique sound, they tend to be blending the pentatonic along with the Diminished. The cool thing is that the Diminished allows us the freedom to play whatever pattern you created on one string simply shifted over onto another string. This is due to the fact that the Diminished Scale is symmetrical in it's design - along with it's counterpart, "The Diminished 7th arpeggio." In the video lesson we'll take a look at the unique symmetry of the Diminished Scale shown upon a guitar fingerboard diagram and we'll run through some lines you can try using in your own playing.