
【爵士課堂】吉他樂理:AW - Scale Degrees and Modes


类型: 教学


标签: 爵士課堂 吉他樂理 jazz Lessons Guitar aw

专辑: 【爵士课堂】吉他.2.1:Andrew Wasson I - 讀譜.技巧.節奏.樂理.吉他樂理


【爵士課堂】吉他:Wasson - 樂理。Scale Degrees and ModesGUITAR THEORY Scale Degrees and ModesAndrew answers this week's question about how to memorize scale degrees and modal ideas...1). What, if any, is a logical, expeditious way of memorizing scales and their degrees for both soloing and playing chord progressions.2). How do modes work with chord progressions? 3). How can you mix modes with scales to create interesting improvisations over progressions?- ChristianANDREW's MODES BOOK:http://www.andrewwasson.com/educator.php#modes-------------------------------------------Q: Can someone please help me. What is the sole difference of scale degrees and modes? Say your In the key of A minor and you want to do a Phrygian fill. Do you start it from the third degree (E minor third) or start it from the A minor key (6th degree)? Also if a song is in A minor key, is it called the 1st degree of the scale or does it remain the 6th and C major still stays as the 1st degree?A: - Degrees are the scales' steps, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). The numbers represent the notes of a key. The numbers can alter to reflect changes, (such as a Minor 3rd - represented by, "b3"). - Modes begin from various steps of the Major scale. Beginning on an, "E," of the C Major scale gives us the, "E Phrygian." - If you're in A Minor the "A" is 1. If you're in C Major the "C" is 1. If your playing D Dorian the "D" is 1. Map with the degrees. Thanks for Watching, Andrew Wasson