
【爵士課堂】吉他:fj.ld - Phrasing With Feeling, The Chromatic Approach Method


类型: 教学


标签: 吉他 lessons Guitar jazz lead scale 音階 爵士課堂 fretjam

专辑: 【爵士課堂】吉他.5:DDB, fretjam, Pebber Brown


Phrasing With Feeling - The Chromatic Approach MethodPlease support fretjam: http://www.fretjam.com/support.htmlOnce you're confident with navigating a scale across the fretboard, the next step is to find ways of embellishing your scale movements to give them more feeling and expression.The easiest way of doing this is to use what I call the chromatic approach method.This is simply where you bend, slide or hammer-on into a scale tone from one semitone (fret) below it.You can use this method with any scale and it can breathe life into even the simplest of three, four note phrases.Once you've mastered the chromatic approach method, your scale movements will sound far less robotic and aimless - a problem that a lot of guitarists have in the beginning.教材:Home > Lead / Scales > Chromatic Approachhttp://www.fretjam.com/chromatic-approach.html