
【爵士課堂】吉他樂理:AW - Phrygian Mode 3.第七和弦和聲


类型: 教学


标签: 爵士課堂 MASTERCLASS Guitar Theory 吉他樂理 aw

专辑: 【爵士课堂】吉他.2.1:Andrew Wasson I - 讀譜.技巧.節奏.樂理.吉他樂理


【爵士課堂】吉他:Wasson - 樂理。Phrygian Mode 3.第七和弦和聲GUITAR THEORY Phrygian Mode - Part 3 - Seventh Chord HarmonyWelcome to Part Three of our Phrygian Masterclass Series. We wrapped up part-2 of this series with an explanation of Phrygian's 7th Chord Harmony. In this lesson, we'll be taking a look at different ways to use Seventh Chord Harmony of Phrygian, as well as, how inversion process can play a role in writing progressions from this harmony. So, let's begin by analyzing a few chord progressions composed using the chords found from Phrygian's 7th chord harmony structure.