
【爵士練習】吉他:轉錄Ed Bickert - Lollipops and Roses

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类型: 教学


标签: 爵士練習 吉他 轉錄 聖誕歌曲 jazz Guitar Transcript christmas

专辑: 【爵士課堂】吉他.6 - 單曲練習


Ed Bickert Trio - Lollipops and Roses - Guitar Transcriptionby GuitOp81Is it Christmas yet?Transcription of Ed Bickert playing Lollipops and Roses 》http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg3MTI0MzA4.htmlFor the chords you can check SongTrellis at this linkhttp://tinyurl.com/44szfn7I was so ashamed of having discovered Ed Bickert only a few days ago that I had to spend some time writing this piece down.By the way, this is a great performance. It really reminds me of Bill Evans and anticipates in some ways Pat Metheny.Regarding the experienceI found more voicing than harmony. More than using substitutions it seems to me that he controls extraordinarily well the voices in his harmony, moving a clearly audible second voice with the main melody anytime he can, even reducing the chord to two notes because here he relies always on the amazing support of Don Thompson on bass.The tone that he gets from the telecaster is extremely important not just for the immediate esthetic impact but because it generates a lot of harmonics, adding to the chords. The way he lets the strings ring and links all the chords with common tones also is a key component of the sound. To include the ringing strings I should have used two or three different voices in the transcription instead of just one but I had to save some time.