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更新日本版,包含《Break the Rules》和《Boom Clap》的日语版。

今年刚满22岁的英国创作女歌手查莉 Charli XCX终于在今天闪电宣布第二张录音室创作大碟〈Sucker〉的发行消息,并顺势披露了首支主打歌曲《Break the Rules》,无不让全球歌迷们喜出望外!Charli XCX在今年相继推出与『说唱骨姬』伊姬阿洁莉亚 Iggy Azalea合唱的洗脑歌曲《Fancy》,以及为电影【生命中的美好缺憾】演唱的原声带歌曲《Boom Clap》之后,就顺利在全世界打开个人的知名度,如今声势不同以往的她,将再度以她带有魔力般的歌声,让所有歌迷们陷入疯狂。

查莉 Charli XCX在近日的外媒访问终谈到新歌《Break the Rules》时,也大方聊到歌曲的灵感是来自于去年底在瑞典所听到的音乐,当时花了数月去研究一堆像是Snuffed By The Yakuza等瑞典庞克乐团的歌曲,并试着用自己的方式重新编入流行曲风加以诠释之后所得到的成果。(By hi-check)

"Sucker” is the upcoming second major studio album by British singer-songwriter Charli XCX. It’s scheduled to be released on digital retailers on December 19, 2014 (USA) and January 26, 2015 (Europe, UK) via Atlantic, Asylum, and Neon Gold Records.

It comes preceded by the lead single “SuperLove“ and the
theme song for “The Fault In Our Stars” motion picture called “Boom Clap“. The third official single taken from the album is the song “Break the Rules“, premiered on August 18th.
During a radio interview with GI:EL on September 2nd, Charli confirmed that buzz track “SuperLove” will not finally included in the album.

The singer filmed a music video for the track “Breaking Up” early this year and it was directed by BRTHR. It is not confirmed whether it will be a future single. Rumors suggest that her label plans to launch “Seronja” as the third single from the album.