
Song of the Irish Whistle

2 吉他谱  1 求谱  10 拨片 


唱片公司:Hearts of Space Records



Song of the Irish Whistle专辑介绍


这张唱片是以短小轻巧的哨笛为主轴,而吉他则伴随着笛音,传递轻柔的背景,而长笛和竖笛也偶尔穿梭其中,让原本就具有小男孩高音域的特色,呈现出一种音质清澈的魅力。收录的每一首曲子正是爱尔兰充满神话的人文风貌。其中以 Women of Ireland 最具有风的悠远,让我们更能感受到这首曲子所传达的爱尔兰女性神秘坚忍的特质。透过哨笛诠释的曲子,总让人想起童年的美好回忆,有时更会激动地落泪。聆听后将会钟爱一生的一张不可错过的专辑。

by Steven McDonald

This sweet-natured and soaring album shines a relaxed contemporary light on the old tin whistle. There's a grand lineup supporting her, too, with John Whelan, Paul Averginos, John Boswell, Eileen Ivers, Jerry O'Sullivan and John Doan mixed in. Not only thoughtful throughout, but fun too, as she proves handily on "The Otter's Nest/Richie Dwyer's," a tune that gives one an idea of how grunge whistle might sound (Madden is, in fact, playing an air whistle, an instrument that sounds like someone tuning an air brake). One of the best releases to date from Hearts of Space's Celtic subsidiary.