
Performance and Cocktails

7 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





Performance and Cocktails专辑介绍
Stereophonics乐团以结合另类摇滚性格与英国传统摇滚乐精神的乐风闯荡乐坛,自1998年勇夺全英音乐奖最佳新进乐团打响名号以来,写下5张英国金榜冠军专辑与25首英国金榜TOP 40畅销曲的排行佳绩。
主唱Kelly Jones有着辨识度极高的迷人嗓音,充满磁性的歌声在粗犷沙哑中带有自信,诠释歌曲的功力与情感掌握堪称一流,无论是力道十足的摇滚快歌或是小品式的抒情歌曲,都难不倒这位出色的演唱者。
Performance and Cocktails is the second studio album by rock band Stereophonics. It was released by V2 on 8 March 1999. It was sponsored by Fender guitars which were used by the band on the album.[citation needed]. The name 'Performance and Cocktails' comes from lyrics in the album's first song, "Roll Up and Shine".
The album was a surprise commercial success for Stereophonics but it received mixed reviews.

In December 1998, the Stereophonics released the single "The Bartender and the Thief," which became an unexpected explosion on the charts, peaking at number three in the U.K. In March 1999, the band's sophomore effort, Performance and Cocktails, was released to impressive sales -- it was reportedly outselling Blur's 13 when that album was released. A second single, "Just Looking," also peaked within the U.K. Top Ten, making the first half of 1999 a very unexpectedly busy time for the Stereophonics. Never a favorite to become a hugely successful Brit-pop band, their noisy, raw hard rock came into favor after the more produced and calculated sound of Brit-pop had become passe. Unfortunately, however, this disc isn't quite as consistent as the debut. Part of the reason why Word Gets Around was so appealing is that there was a sense of urgency that, on this release, seems to have disappeared. There are more ballads than before, and some of the rockers don't burn with the intensity that they did on the last album. This doesn't make Performance and Cocktails a bad album, though; fans will be very pleased that the Stereophonics have released another slab of indie-flavored hard rock. Some highlights include "T Shirt Suntan," the acoustic "She Takes Her Clothes Off," and the poppy "Pick a Part That's New." (Japanese versions of this album include three live tracks, but the quality is mediocre and the performances are unspectacular, making this version of the release for hardcore fans only.)