
Word Gets Around

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Word Gets Around专辑介绍
作为处女专辑,能做到这样成熟老练的,或许只有在英国的音乐氛围里才可能出现。当然,这是个人的肤浅评价。这张专辑全篇仿佛来自一本讲述一个小镇故事的小说,充满诗情,又饱含深意。大多数歌曲以一种强硬的姿态和声音来表达情感,干脆利落,比如《A Thousand Trees》《Local Boy in the Photograph》《More Life in a Tramp's Vest》,听起来十分的爽快,主唱Kelly Jones的声音也算是比较special的那种,可以让人听一次就可以记住。专辑里的歌曲并不都是强硬的摇滚,歌曲《Traffic》和《Not up to You》就有着十分美丽的旋律和主题,个人十分的喜欢。

In the late '90s, a rash of Welsh rock bands emerged, among them Catatonia, Super Furry Animals, 60 Ft. Dolls, and the Stereophonics. On the surface, the Stereophonics' gritty rock & roll seems relatively uninspired, but upon close listen Word Gets Around proves to be a very accomplished debut. Vocalist/guitarist Kelly Jones' vocals are raw and rip the songs apart, as his loud, arena-ready guitar assault gives every track a gritty edge. Jones' lyrics are also of note; highly poetic and meaningful, he writes about the underbelly of a small town. The anthemic opener, the outrageously catchy "A Thousand Trees," details how a respected high school athletic coach ruined his career through a lurid sexual encounter with a female student, and the quick, jagged "More Life in a Tramp's Vest" displays the view of the world through the eyes of a supermarket bag boy. Word Gets Around isn't all about hard rockers, though; the hit "Traffic" is a beautifully constructed ballad that works marvelously when a juxtaposition is made between the music and Jones' rough vocal styling. While Word Gets Around occasionally suffers from blandness, it is a remarkably accomplished debut LP.