

8 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





美国硬朋克乐队Black Flag的巅峰之作,不过也曾经被MCA公司以“不道德”和“仇视父母”的理由拒绝发行,后来换了东家到SST,专辑才得以问世。专辑中充满震耳欲聋的吉他噪音和主唱愤怒的吼叫。滚石的编辑说,时至今日,喜欢朋克的人还是照样听着这张Damaged,而父母们仍然对它十分仇视 可想而知,专辑在商业上并无建树,但影响深远。


by John Dougan

Perhaps the best album to emerge from the quagmire that was early-'80s California hardcore punk, the visceral, intensely physical presence of Damaged has yet to be equaled, although many bands have tried. Although Black Flag had been recording for three years prior to this release, the fact that Henry Rollins was now their lead singer made all the difference. His furious bellow and barely contained ferocity was the missing piece the band needed to become great. Also, guitarist/mastermind Greg Ginn wrote a slew of great songs for this record that, while suffused with the usual punk conceits (alienation, boredom, disenfranchisement), were capable of making one laugh out loud, especially the protoslacker satire "TV Party." Extremely controversial when it was released, Damaged endured the slings and arrows of outrageous criticism (some reacted as though this record alone would cause the fall of America's youth) to become and remain an important document of its time.