
Electric Warrior

5 吉他谱  1 求谱  10 拨片 





Electric Warrior专辑介绍 1970年底乐队縮短正名为T. Rex,队员亦增至四人以上,在Full Band的全力支持下,《Electric Warrior》顺利于1971年诞生,从碟名至封套相片都看得出带有革命性意味;音乐层次方面,Bolan放弃了一贯的民歌玩奏方式,取而代之是以Pop Song的手法去处理,加入美式摇滚乐原素,使作品变得热闹、好玩、尽兴,这点针对青少年为目标的改革,是彻彻底底的一种「新的声音」! 《Electric Warrior》不但奠定了T. Rex在乐坛的重要地位,且孕育出同胞兄弟Glam Rock,同时也直接催生了往后数年主宰英国乐坛、如火如荼的「魅力摇滚运动」。
The album that essentially kick-started the U.K. glam rock craze, Electric Warrior completes T. Rex's transformation from hippie folk-rockers into flamboyant avatars of trashy rock & roll. There are a few vestiges of those early days remaining in the acoustic-driven ballads, but Electric Warrior spends most of its time in a swinging, hip-shaking groove powered by Marc Bolan's warm electric guitar. The music recalls not just the catchy simplicity of early rock & roll, but also the implicit sexuality -- except that here, Bolan gleefully hauls it to the surface, singing out loud what was once only communicated through the shimmying beat. He takes obvious delight in turning teenage bubblegum rock into campy sleaze, not to mention filling it with pseudo-psychedelic hippie poetry. In fact, Bolan sounds just as obsessed with the heavens as he does with sex, whether he's singing about spiritual mysticism or begging a flying saucer to take him away. It's all done with the same theatrical flair, but Tony Visconti's spacious, echoing production makes it surprisingly convincing. Still, the real reason Electric Warrior stands the test of time so well -- despite its intended disposability -- is that it revels so freely in its own absurdity and willful lack of substance. Not taking himself at all seriously, Bolan is free to pursue whatever silly wordplay, cosmic fantasies, or non sequitur imagery he feels like; his abandonment of any pretense to art becomes, ironically, a statement in itself. Bolan's lack of pomposity, back-to-basics songwriting, and elaborate theatrics went on to influence everything from hard rock to punk to new wave. But in the end, it's that sense of playfulness, combined with a raft of irresistible hooks, that keeps Electric Warrior such an infectious, invigorating listen today.