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唱片公司:Universal Music



Stories专辑介绍 用奇迹旅程改写电音乐史 瑞典电音奇才再进化!

★葛莱美奖入围肯定、入主百大DJ TOP3,瑞典电音奇才暌违二年全新大碟
★有请新世代人气DJ Martin Garrix、酷玩乐团主唱Chris Martin等友情帮腔
★收录抢占英国金榜TOP6主打”Waiting For Love”及最新主打”For a Better Day”共14首舞池力作

本名Tim Bergling的Avicii,从小靠着对于电子音乐的狂热兴趣,18岁的他便被签约,以一首"Seek Bromance"轰动欧陆各国。随后,他参与了Nadia Ali的混音专辑,以歌曲"Rapture"惊艳全球。在2012年,他与戴维库塔/David Guetta合作的"Sunshine"让他首次获得了葛莱美提名,也闯进百大DJ的第3名;2013年的电音国歌"Levels"沦陷全球舞池,更蝉联了百大DJ第3名,也二度提名了葛莱美奖。2013年的首张专辑【True】得到了巨大无比的成功,将乡村、电子音乐、House音乐的完美融合,让他获得了各界赞赏,其中以"Wake Me Up"全球狂销1100万张、问鼎35国冠军宝座。2014年接受滚石杂志专访,谈论到新专辑时表示:「我已经写好了超过70首歌,许多都是我个人的原创并且充满了深度意涵。」不料因爆红后大量的巡演及音乐祭,让Avicii的身体不堪负荷,取消了部分演出,转而全心全意地投入新专辑的创作,终于,在2015年,Avicii向全歌迷宣布新专将定名为【Stories】。

【Stories】除了由Avicii亲自包办了所有创作之外,更请来了堪称Tiesto接班人、百大DJ第4名的Martin Garrix参与专辑制作,双人连手琢磨出这张足以颠覆乐界的旷世巨作;开场的"Waiting For Love"已在YouTube以360度噱头十足MV超过8000万人点阅,请来了Cherry Ghost的主唱Simon Aldred大展歌喉,已成功闯入英美两国以及全球17国Top 10;由加州民谣歌手Alex Ebert献唱的"For A Better Day",充满跳动活跃的电子节拍,佐以旋律的优美点缀;与"For A Better Day"共为组曲的"Pure Grinding",请来了声线极为特别的Kristoffer Fogelmark 与 Earl St. Clair轮番上阵献唱,充满灵魂的律动感;"True Believe"再度与酷玩乐团/Coldplay主唱Chris Martin友情合作,激撞出电音全新火花。

Avicii is to release much-anticipated follow up LP 'Stories' on October 2nd.

Comprised of 14 new original tracks, including lead album single 'Waiting For Love' - a track that peaked at #1 on iTunes in 22 countries earlier this summer - 'Stories' represents a natural progression in Avicii's unique, ever-blossoming sound.

With debut album 'True' boasting some incredible figures - it has sold over 5 million copies worldwide, charted at #1 on iTunes in a mammoth 84 countries and boasted the fastest selling single of the whole of 2013 in 'Wake Me Up!' - Avicii has worked tirelessly to make 'Stories' an equally trailblazing record.

All the songs have a story I wanted to tell,' says the Grammy-nominated producer, songwriter and DJ (aka Tim Bergling). The new music on 'Stories' is informed by Bergling's experiences since the release of 'True'; experiences which vary radically, from the elation of playing for 80,000 hometown fans in Stockholm and selling 500,000 tickets on his 'True' Tour, to having an illness that necessitated the cancellation of a year's worth of tour dates. Rather than making a total departure from 'True', the new album builds on it. Bergling says 'Stories' 'refines what I didn't feel was perfect last time. I think there are more layers to the songs than before, and every song has been written on acoustic guitar, so the structure is different.'