

2 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 


唱片公司:Static Disco



Childs是来自墨西哥的二人乐队,风格为Electronica & Indie.
他是来自墨西哥的音乐家 Paúl Marrón/Guillermo Bátiz 在01年成立的乐队。
50%的独立小电子+30%的自赏梦幻流行+80%的后摇这样的一个小杂烩风格被他们自己定义成了electronic lullabies——即"电子童谣"。他们的风格受到动漫,冰岛Sigur Ros,九十年代早期的shoegaze风格和独立摇滚等影响很大,对墨西哥的电子乐和摇滚音乐的影响颇大。
Paul Marrón and Guillermo Batiz are the dynamic duo behind the epic electronic lullabies of Childs. Inspired by anime aesthetics, Icelandic elfin pop, sounds from the shoegaze era in the early nineties and indie rock, Childs have developed a strong cult following in their country. Their music stops short of being more than dream passages in a world full of pop opportunities, transcending simple trends of indie electronic music. With live instrumentation and intense performances in a live setting, Childs is one of the young electronic acts that live up to the task of transforming the precepts of Mexican electronic and rock music. Their music is a soft mélange of digital, analog and acoustic sounds that they describe as `electronic lullabies'. In between the Sigur Ros template and the touch tone sounds of the Morr Music lunchbox, Childs craft music that is challenging, endearing and captivating.
很温暖的后摇。墨西哥的二人乐队,很电,编曲很动听,弦乐有点重(有点像 World's End Girlfriend),一般很难用“温暖”二字来形容一个后摇乐队,但是他们就是了,如同封面,也许他们描述的是童年回忆,不是童年的阴冷孤独,孤僻乖张,而是童年的落日余晖,河边嬉戏,最受大家欢迎的那首Mariana,实在非常美好。
大碟《Yui》的封面,是一个撑着雨伞的小孩独个儿地坐在阶梯上,背景是雨天迷蒙的意像,感觉落寞而带点童真。音乐上跟Album Leaf一样以键琴、结他为主,再配以弦乐编排,令整体音场极之开扬,广阔,交织出来的电音节奏和旋律就如水滴一样的零碎透澈,美不胜收,Childs曾以Epic Electronic Lullabies来形容他们的歌曲, 既有像Sigur Ros的空灵,亦有如冰岛Mum那种简约电子的音色,背景里时有一些独白或者孩童雨中嬉戏的声音作点缀。
编曲上是一贯Laptop Artists的简单连绵的铺排,但亦有些曲目,例如长14分钟的《Ian P》,像Ambient Post-Rock一样,变奏出梦幻一般的高低跌荡,那种强烈的空间感令人彷如自身其中一样
跨越15分的《Ian P》作为末曲,很大程度上包含了整张专集本身概念。孤独本身所造就的分离并非只一日而言,嘶喊在这里已经给出了泪水与泪水间的重量。而整体由初到末的概念性编排,使得末曲《Ian P》更象是一个结束。电影结尾的字幕打出来,明亮的或许是重归于好的团圆。
《Ian P》你最好别在深夜藏着听,我怕你会流泪。但愿你能听得完整而不去换频道。

Paul Marrón and Guillermo Batiz are the dynamic duo behind the epic electronic lullabies of Childs. Inspired by anime aesthetics, Icelandic elfin pop, sounds from the shoegaze era in the early nineties and indie rock, Childs have developed a strong cult following in their country. Their music stops short of being more than dream passages in a world full of pop opportunities, transcending simple trends of indie electronic music. With live instrumentation and intense performances in a live setting, Childs is one of the young electronic acts that live up to the task of transforming the precepts of Mexican electronic and rock music. Their music is a soft mélange of digital, analog and acoustic sounds that they describe as ‘electronic lullabies’. In between the Sigur Ros template and the touch tone sounds of the Morr Music lunchbox, Childs craft music that is challenging, endearing and captivating.