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★新世纪天后 格雷的女声 刺激全球听觉 睽违三年全新专辑
★疯狂收录:首波冠军主打单曲“On My Mind”、电影「格雷的五十道阴影」主题曲"Love Me Like You Do"、电音金童Calvin Harris打造英国舞曲榜冠军"Outside"等22首精彩作品

「这张专辑是一个全新的实验,因为我要做一张不同凡响的流行专辑。我告诉自己,它会带领流行乐坛到一个新的境界。」今年以电影「格雷的五十道阴影」主题曲"Love Me Like You Do"称霸全球70国排行冠军的全英音乐奖最佳女艺人Ellie Goulding,她带着这样强大的决心,在2015年岁末献上光芒万丈的第3张大碟【Delirium】!
Ellie Goulding在2010年同时获得英国BBC年度新声与全英音乐奖乐评首选奖,挟带这股年度最强新人的气势,同年发行的首张专辑【Lights】势如破竹空降英国专辑榜冠军,加上庆功改版【Bright Lights】,销售认证突破双白金。相隔两年登场的续航大碟「Halcyon」同样空降英国金榜冠军,写下美国销售白金认证单曲"Anything Could Happen",紧接着再推出加值版「Halcyon Days」专辑,首支单曲"Burn"成为Ellie歌唱生涯首支英国冠军曲,随后推出多首电影主题曲,包括"How Long Will I Love You"(电影「真爱每一天」)、"Beating Heart"(电影「分歧者」)及称霸全球70国冠军的超级单曲"Love Me Like You Do"(电影「格雷的五十道阴影」),Ellie Goulding的唱片销售已经在全球累积销售突破2千万张,历年音乐录像带的YouTube浏览次数与串流音乐平台歌曲播放次数都冲破10亿大关,新世代天后当之无愧。

睽违三年推出的第三张专辑【Delirium】,可说是Ellie Goulding完全主导音乐风格,绽放自信风采,跃登颠峰时刻的力作。Ellie Goulding说:「专辑名称代表的可以是描述一个非常快乐,疯狂的状态,或者是处于完全相反的状态,而现在的我则一直处在极度兴奋的状态。」专辑在英国伦敦与家乡赫里福德、瑞典与洛杉矶等地录制,并找来共和世代创作核心Ryan Tedder (*Adele)、Klas ?hlund (*Katy Perry)、Max Martin (*Taylor Swift)、Greg Kurstin (*Sia)及「Halcyon」专辑合作愉快的老搭档Jim Eliot共同打造这张充满流行电子节奏风采的全新作品。首支单曲“On My Mind” YouTube/VEVO点阅突破四千万并空降17国iTunes单曲榜冠军;强势登上全球70国冠军的电影「格雷的五十道阴影」主题曲“Love Me Like You Do”;电气流全开的舞曲"Devotion"及"Don’t Panic"绽放出Ellie最迷人的电音精灵魅力;献给好友汉纳的感动之歌"Army"则唱出Ellie的思念之情,令人为之动容。豪华盘超值加收包括:Ellie Goulding与电音金童Calvin Harris合作的英国舞曲榜冠军单曲"Outside";由英国电音兄弟组合Disclosure中的Guy Lawrence与创作Sam Smith葛莱美奖年度歌曲得奖作品"Stay With Me"的Jimmy Napes连手打造"Heal"等6首独占歌曲。

【Delirium】不仅是Ellie Goulding的一场音乐试验,也是她歌唱生涯努力的精彩成果,将胜利的喜悦、感伤的心碎、恐惧与快乐等不同的感受转化成强而有力且迷醉人心的唱作,崭露全新的Ellie Goulding,绽放闪耀光芒。

Ellie Goulding is unstoppable. The English singer is ready to start the promotion of her highly awaited third studio album officially called “Delirium“, which will serve as the follow-up to 2012’s “Halcyon“. It’s scheduled to be released by the end of the year.
The singer has been in the studio with some of the producers who had worked with her previous albums. During the Cavalli show at the Fashion Week in Milan in February 2014, Goulding confirmed that her third album will be out in 2015.
This year, Digital Spy spoke with her during the Bacardi Triangle music event in Puerto Rico and she gives some details of the upcoming and awaited project. She said:
It’s kind of hard to tell at the moment. I’ve done a few songs that I’m really, really happy with. I kind of don’t want to give it away so soon! I feel like if I start talking about it now, I’ll put it in my own head and it’ll affect the process. I’m excited about the direction. I think it’s easy to do something new and crazy, but I don’t really overthink it when I get in the studio. I start a lot of stuff on guitar and I always have someone who plays piano with me
The album seems to have the same influences as its predecessor. Goulding added:
I have such an affinity with electronic music, classical music and folk music that so much stuff comes into it. All I’d like to say really is that I’m really happy and excited about the direction of the album
During a recent interview with Billboard, Ellie confirmed that it’s “definitely bigger”. About the album, she said:
I don’t really know why this word seems appropriate but it’s definitely bigger. Whether that means it’s more adventurous, or a bit more ambitious, or a bit more daring, I don’t know. But I’m certainly taking on something a lot bigger than I have before and sonically it’s a lot bigger. I feel like there were maybe certain restrictions on the last album. But I’m at a point now with this album where it’s just taken on a new life now of its own and I can’t stop it. So that album is coming out and what people make of it I don’t know, but it is coming. It’s nearly finished and it will be out this year. Even if it’s out on 30 December, which is my birthday, it will be out this year
The singer also confirmed that she has been working in the studio with Laleh, Diplo, Max Martin and her longtime friend Jim Eliot. She added:
I’ve worked with Diplo. I’ve worked with producers that I have known for years – Jim Eliot from my last album. I love working with him. I thought the stuff that we did together was something really special, so I had a ‘you don’t fix what isn’t broken kind of attitude.’ He’s just wonderful and I got to go back to my home town [Hereford], which helps the writing process a lot. But then also I’ve been adopted into the Max Martin camp and I love them all dearly.
The lead single from the album is called “On My Mind“, and it’s scheduled to be released in the coming weeks.
During a recent interview with Refinery29, Goulding revealed the name of another new track called “Two Years”, about when she met her current boyfriend McFly’s Dougie Poynter.
I have a song on the album that is called ‘Two Years.’ It’s about two years ago, which is before I met my boyfriend. I’m really curious about him. He’s my boyfriend, so I’ll write about him and his past and the things he’s been through. It’s pretty amazing stuff and he’s a pretty incredible person
I’m really really excited!