Cleanin Out My Closet

Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱 Cleanin Out My Closet吉他谱

标题:Cleanin' Out My Closet

标签: 总谱

制谱人:Steven Latimer

Transcribed September 2019 by Steven Latimer

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 149

  1. Eminem - Vox - 单簧管 Clarinet
  2. Piano - 钢片琴 Celesta
  3. Clean Guitar - 爵士乐电吉他 Electric Guitar (jazz)
  4. Drums - 敲击乐器
  5. Strings - 合成弦乐1 SynthStrings 1
  6. Distortion Guitar - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  7. Synth - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
注释:8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8va8vaPick SlideSlide off(echo note)
标记:Fade InIntroVerse 1Chorus 1Verse 2Chorus 2Verse 3Chorus 3Outro


专辑:The Eminem Show (2002)


Where's my snare? I have no snare in my head- phones There ya go Yeah Yo yo Have you ev- er been ha- ted or dis- crim- i- na- ted a- gainst? I have I've been pro- test- ed and dem- on- stra- ted a- gainst Pick- et signs for my wick- ed rhyhms Look at the times Sick as the mind of the moth- er fuck- ing kid that's be- hind _ All this com- mo- tion e- mo- tions run deep as o- cean's ex- plo- din' Temp- ers flar- ing from pa- rents just blow 'em off and keep go- in' Not tak- ing no- thin' from no one give 'em hell long as I'm breath- in Keep kick- ing ass in the morn- ing tak- ing names in the eve- ning Leave 'em with a taste as so- ur as vin- e- gar in they mouth See they can trig- ger me, but they'll ne- ver fig- ure me out Look at me now, I bet ya prob- 'bly sick of me now ain't you mom- ma? I'm- ma make you look so ri- di- cu- lous now ! I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean- in' out my clo- set (One more time) I said I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean in' out my clo- set (Ha!) I got some skel- e- tons in my clo- set And I don't know if no one knows it So be- fore they throw me in- side my cof- fin and close it I'm- ma ex- pose it; I'll take you back to sev- en- ty three, Be- fore I ev- er had a mul- ti- plati- num sell- ing C- D I was a ba- by, may- be I was just a cou- ple of months My fag- got fa- ther must have had his pan- ties up in a bunch 'Cause he split, I won- der if he e- ven kissed me good- bye No I don't; on sec- ond thought I just fuck- ing wished he would die I look at Hai- lie, and I could- n't pic- ture lea- ving her side E- ven if I ha- ted Kim, I'd grit my teeth and I'd try To make it work with her at least for Hai- lie's sake I may- be made some mi- stakes But I'm only hu- man, but I'm man e- nough to face them to- day What I did was stu- pid, no doubt it was dumb But the smart- est shit I did was take them bull- ets out- ta that gun 'Cause I- 'da killed him; shit I would- 've shot Kim and him both It's my life, I'd like to wel- come y'all to "The Em- i- nem Show" I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean- in' out my clo- set (One more time) I said I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean in' out my clo- set (ha) Now I would ne- ver diss my own ma- ma just to get rec- og- ni- tion Take a sec- ond to lis- ten 'fore you think this rec- ord is diss- ing But put your- self in my po- si- tion; just try to en- vi- sion Wit- ness- ing your ma- ma pop- ping pre- scrip- tion pills in the kitch- en Bitch- ing that some- one's al- ways go- ing through her purse and shit's miss- ing Going through pub- lic hous- ing sys- tems, vic- tim of M黱ch- au- sen's Syn- drome My whole life I was made to be- lieve I was sick when I was- n' 'Til I grew up, now I blew up, it makes you sick to your stom- ach Doesn't it? Wasn't it the rea- son you made that C- D for me Ma? _ So you could try to just- i- fy the way you treat- ed me Ma? _ But guess what? You're get- ting old- er now _ and it's cold when you're lone- ly And Nath- an's grow- ing up so quick he's gon- na know that you're pho- ny And Hai- lie's get- ting so big now _ you should see her, she's beau- ti- ful But you'll ne- ver see her, she won't e- ven be at your fu- ner- al! See what hurts me the most is you won't ad- mit you was wrong Bitch do your song, keep tell- ing your- self that you was a mom! But how dare you try to take what you did- n't help me to get You self- ish bitch; I hope you fuck- ing burn in hell for this shit Re- mem- ber when Ron- nie died and you said you wished it was me? Well guess what, I am dead, dead to you as can be! _ I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean- in' out my clo- set (One more time) I said I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean in' out my clo- set



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