La Isla Bonita(风光秀丽的小岛)(玩易吉他弹唱教程:第七季第8集)

La Isla Bonita(风光秀丽的小岛)(玩易吉他弹唱教程:第七季第8集)吉他谱(图片谱,玩易吉他弹唱教程,弹唱,教程)_Madonna(麦当娜)_第七季第8集《Laisla bonita》01.gif La Isla Bonita(风光秀丽的小岛)(玩易吉他弹唱教程:第七季第8集)吉他谱(图片谱,玩易吉他弹唱教程,弹唱,教程)_Madonna(麦当娜)_第七季第8集《Laisla bonita》02.gif La Isla Bonita(风光秀丽的小岛)(玩易吉他弹唱教程:第七季第8集)吉他谱(图片谱,玩易吉他弹唱教程,弹唱,教程)_Madonna(麦当娜)_第七季第8集《Laisla bonita》03.gif La Isla Bonita(风光秀丽的小岛)(玩易吉他弹唱教程:第七季第8集)吉他谱(图片谱,玩易吉他弹唱教程,弹唱,教程)_Madonna(麦当娜)_第七季第8集《Laisla bonita》04.gif


作词:Gaitsch, Leonard, Madonna

Last night I dreamt of San Pedro 圣岛夜梦回 
  just like i'd never gone, i knew the song身处异境,乐萦耳际
  a young girl with eyes like the desert女子双眼尽苍凉
  it all seems like yesterday, not far away故影重现 

  tropical the island breeze热带习习风
  all of nature,wild and free 万类竞自由
  this is where i long to be寤寐求之!
  la isla bonita丽岛也

  and when the samba played热舞起
  the sun would set so high艳阳照
  ring through my ears and sting my eyes吟语舞姿迷人眼
  your spanish lullaby夜曲浅唱

  i fell in love with san pedro圣岛吾爱!
  warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me洋送暖风夫呼妾
  te dijo te amo爱意绵绵
  i prayed that the days would last They went so fast欲青春永葆,无奈白驹过

  tropical the island breeze热带习习风
  all of nature, wild and free万类竞自由
  this is where i long to be寤寐求之!
  la isla bonita丽岛也!

  and when the samba played热舞起
  the sun would set so high艳阳照 
  ring through my ears and sting my eyes吟语舞姿迷人眼、
  your spanish lullaby夜曲浅唱

  i want to be where the sun warms the sky梦寐以求,丽岛蓝天
  when it's time for siesta you can watch them go by 恬卧沙地观人群
  beautiful faces,no cares in this world淑女美男收眼底 
  where a girl loves a boy男欢女爱
  and a boy loves a girl尽在不言中

  Last night I dreamt of San Pedro 圣岛夜梦回
  it all seems like yesterday, not far away故影重现 
  tropical the island breeze热带习习风
  all of nature,wild and free 万类竞自由
  this is where i long to be寤寐求之!
  la isla bonita丽岛也

  and when the samba played热舞起
  the sun would set so high艳阳照
  ring through my ears and sting my eyes吟语舞姿迷人眼
  your spanish lullaby夜曲浅唱

  tropical the island breeze热带习习风
  all of nature,wild and free 万类竞自由
  this is where i long to be寤寐求之!
  la isla bonita丽岛也

  and when the samba played热舞起
  the sun would set so high艳阳照
  ring through my ears and sting my eyes吟语舞姿迷人眼
  your spanish lullaby嘤嘤夜曲
  your spanish lullaby低吟浅唱
玩易长滩岛录制的第二个视频已经火热出炉了。一首非常经典的世界名曲《Laisla bonita》,片头有美丽的长滩岛日落哦。第一首多场景多机位的外景视频,快快点开来看吧,谢谢大家爱玩易!







本帖最后由 何吉他哥哥 于 2015-6-15 14:10 编辑


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