Amazing Grace(奇异恩典)

Amazing Grace(奇异恩典)吉他谱 Amazing Grace(奇异恩典)吉他谱

标题:Amazing Grace

副标题:奇异盛典 赞美诗

标签: 赞美诗 , 独奏

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 80

和弦:G C Em Am D

  1. Track 1 - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)

艺人:Vienna Boys' Choir

eamazing grace
how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
i once was lost
but now i'm found
was blind but now i see

'twas grace that taught
my heart to fear
and grace that fear relieved
how precious did
that grace appear
the hour i first believed

through many dangers
toils and snares
i have already come
'twas grace that brought me
safely thus far
and grace will lead me home

and when this heart
and flesh shall fail
and mortal life shall cease
i shall possess
within the vail
a life of joy and peace



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