
【爵士課堂】行走低音:SD.26 - Two Chords Per Bar


类型: 演奏


标签: 爵士課堂 電貝斯 jazz Lessons Electric Bass sd WalkingBass 行走貝斯 行走低音

专辑: 【爵士課堂】贝斯.2 - Scott Devine


Walking Bass Lesson - 'Two Chords Per Bar' - with Scott Devine (L#26)http://www.scottsbasslessons.com. FREE BASS LESSONS visit Scott's site. There you can view FREE BASS TUTORIALS covering bass soloing - improvisation - walking bass - grooves etc or contact Scott for 1to1 Skype lessons with real time screen sharing and correspondence lessons.'In this lesson I show you some easy ways to create walking bass lines when there is two chords in each bar.Scott has studied with an amazing host of world class musicians including Skuli Sverrisson (Allan Holdsworth), Jeff Andrews, Ralph Alessi, Ravi Coltrane, Brad Shepik and Adam Rogers. He was also lucky enough to study extensively with Gary Willis in Barcelona from 2006 to 2007.---http://www.scottsbasslessons.com/walking-bass-lines/walking-bass-crash-course-lesson-3.htmlIn the first two lessons of this walking bass ‘crash course’, we’ve been practicing on a sequence with only one chord per bar.Quick recap: in the first lesson, we’ve played ‘only’ roots, fiths & thirds and ‘passing notes’. In the second lesson, we’ve added more chromatic notes. Hopefully you’ve practiced that, explored the variety of options that this gives you, and you’re beginning to create walking bass lines that sound really good! Don’t forget your swing feel is key!In this lesson, we’re going to work on sequences with 2 chords per bar. Nothing to worry about… That’s easy and fun! ;)We’re going to take a I-VI-II-V turnaround in the key of C. The chords are: C Major, A minor, D minor, G7. This turnaround is a verycommon one, so what you’ll be learning here will be transposable to many many tunes.I highly recommend you to practice over backing tracks! If you’ve got good backing tracks with piano & drums or guitar & drums, great! If not, you may be interested in my backing tracks packages available. Actually, these packages are much more than just backing tracks, but I let you discover them if that’s of interest to you.