
【爵士課堂】即興:wtb.mpv19 - How to Develop Your Improvisation 初級到高級


类型: 教学


标签: piano jazz 鋼琴 即興 爵士課堂 lessons wtb

专辑: 【爵士練習】伴奏音軌.3 - Randy Martin, Quist


wtb.mpv19 - How to Develop Your Improvisation from Beginner to Advanced In this Jazz Piano Tutorial we will be exploring how to build up and develop your improvisation from scratch. We’re going to start really simple, as a complete beginner might start improvising, and slowly build up to something much more complex and interesting. Our goal is create an improvisation that sounds complex but that is conceptually quite simple. So it’s easy to think about and implement but nevertheless sounds intriguing. So we’ll start with a very simple base and gradually add more and more layers of complexity until we have something that can pass for a Jazz improvisation.